Fantasy Author Krystal Clark - Book Interview

Published on 28 December 2023 at 00:20

Author Krystal Clark's Bio


I am a very successful data professional though my passion has always been to write. I started my first book in college and 20 years later, it's here. And I'm not stopping. I'm an introvert but don't be fooled, when it comes to my work, I am most outspoken and engaging. I'm entering the world of blogging and podcasting to share not only what inspires my creativity but as a way of expression. 


All it takes is one step.

Cindy Hyde Interviews Author Krystal Clark on 12.12.23 on Promote Your Book Podcast 


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Author Krystal Clark

On today's podcast, we have a special author named Krystal Clark, and I am so excited for her to be on the podcasts with me today. She is an innovative young woman who has written a fantasy book and plans to have a series of three. Tell us the title of your book Krystal.


Sure. Cindy, thank you for having me. You're welcome. The title is Balance of Power (The Chozien Path Series Book 1). And I had to say all that because I guess on Amazon you have to almost type all of that in there.


What genre is the book in?


So, I am, I think it fits all, all three of these. Uh, fantasy, dystopian, and post-apocalyptic.


And really, that's fascinating, you're just going to have to go dive right into the story of that, how did that happen? Give me the book, give me the book, I'm intrigued already. 


I guess what's interesting is I've always been a fantasy book lover, and this is just really one of those ways that you can kind of not only escape reality, but you can always find yourself in these books a lot of times. And what has happened, I think I read my last fantasy book probably in college, so about 20 years ago, and I haven't really revisited that and there was, there was a reason behind it. I was, I was getting dissatisfied with the fantasy books because I kind of felt that they were the same thing over and over again.


"My Inspiration"

And my inspiration for my book is to really showcase the many prejudices, the unconscious biases that we have, the various stereotypes, um, the internal conflict and mental health, moral values, all those things all rolled up into one.  It basically impacts decisions and our interactions with other people. And that was something that I thought was incredibly important to me because I wasn't getting that out of a lot of fantasy books.  Um, I felt, it was a moment when they described maybe the person's background, okay?  What really happens in life is we really relive that. Over and over and over again.


So, it's not enough to mention it once, you have to constantly repeat that and it has to show up, right? So, I have anxiety, and PTSD and panic disorder and what happens is throughout my daily life, it's, you're triggered. You're triggered on several occasions, and it could be the very most mundane thing that can happen that will trigger that.


Emotion, that decision and it would make you do something. Um, and I wanted to do this story because it was so important to me. It was so important to me that people could identify with any of these characters. It would be amazing that, you know, it's almost like the Star Wars, Darth Vader and then how he had his son. 


Then at the end you almost basically related to Darth Vader because he saved his son's life, even though he had done all these things. Right? Yeah. And it was, yeah. So, I wanted to do that. I wanted to, to give that, because there was not enough of that in, in, in fantasy.  That's kind of the book. Um, as far as my inspiration, what I think what led to, to ultimately kind of the setting of the book, the premise is spirituality. I do have a Christian faith.  And what happened is people can be of a faith but not have a religion. And I always thought about, there was a time in my life where I basically almost lost my faith. Um, where I questioned, I began to question that, and everything started to waver.


And when I talked to other people, even the most devout people, they will also say, uh, with a little bit of shame and guilt that they have also gone through that as well. Um, because we don't understand all of these things that are happening in our life.  So, what ends up happening is we want to, you know, I wanted to say, basically show what the faith of a mustard seed would do and for those agnostics out there, uh, when we talk about our brain, we only use what, like, I don't know what five, 10 percent of our brain, but if we use so much more, or if that, how much more we would be? And that's what this book is basically embodying. That, encompassing all of that, uh, as well. Cause I had to bring the fantasy kick. I couldn't just tell all of that and not have all this, this grandeur. 

Balance of Power

The book sounds absolutely fascinating. I am going to get a copy and read it. Where can your readers, I know you have a big fan base in the fantasy realm but where can your new fans find your book on Amazon. com? The title of the book again is what? Balance of power. And it's going to be a series. I have it as a three-part series right now. 


It's something that I think is about, uh, it's more about self-reflection and introspection. Um, very focused on that. But I think I will continue that on because I want to talk about generational curses and how that impacts, uh, us as well and how that can still continue on.


That is definitely going to be an interesting series when you finish them, any finished date in mind for the second release?


You know what, Cindy, the amount of marketing that has to be done, has taken a toll.  It would, it would have been great if I would have just finished. I got halfway through my sequel and then marketing took over. I am hopefully trying to take a break just from marketing so that I can write and get back to that. It probably wouldn't be till late next year.


Marketing is kind of a handful, uh, you can write the books, that's the easy part, and then you self-publish, or you get the book out and you, whichever publishing direction you go, you, you still have to sell your books. You have to, you have to constantly be doing the marketing or it just, it's just not in people's ears or in their face where they can see it and hear it.


Well, it's been a pleasure interviewing you, Krystal. Is there anything that you would want your fan base and potential readers to know about your book or about you? 


Sure. Um, my book is, I think if anything, would, would, anybody who writes, we tend to write, um, and we tend to write about ourselves. And I think that is something that is incredibly important and incredibly powerful. And one of the big pieces of my book has been, uh, we are always one decision away from losing ourselves or saving our souls. Oh, that is so powerful. Yeah.  Yeah, that's all, that's everything this book is to me.


Wow, well it sounds fascinating. What is your website, Krystal is It's the one-stop shop to get, uh, read about my blogs. You can get the links to my books. You could List of the podcasts there, get all of that good stuff.  Your podcast, your blog, your everything, and all the things. Yes, check out my uh, check out my YouTube channel, Moving With Meaning.  That, I'm putting a lot of effort into creating cinematic trailers, book teasers, all that good stuff.


Um, for the book, because I think Audiobooks, right, have a, have a large appeal, but if I could bring, yeah, if I could bring, if I could bring my audience in there and get them engaged with just listening to what is to come here, if I could tease them more, that's good. Yeah, absolutely. 


So, is your book audio already, or is that something that's coming?


Not yet, but the big thing about my book is that it is ethnically ambiguous, I want people to connect with the characters and then I would then reveal their ethnicity later on which means you should still feel the same way about that character before you knew what they were, you know, their, culture or their background is.


That's amazing. Yeah. Well, I, I hope your book does wonderful and I hope that, um, it reaches those who need to read it because it's a, it's a fantasy with a purpose. Yes. Well, thank you for joining us today on Promote Your Book Podcast. Hopefully, we can interview you again for your upcoming books. So, don't forget to go find Krystal on YouTube and Facebook and all the places. She's on just about all the media. I know she's on LinkedIn. That's how we linked up and um, she's on all the media. I'll put most of her links on the bottom of the transcription so that y'all can just click and go. 


Thank you again, Krystal. I appreciate you. Thanks for listening to today's episode of Promote Your Book Podcast with Krystal Clark, author of the fantasy book Balance of Power (The Chozien Path Series). This is the first of three books in this series. She has plans to release the second book next year. 


Balance of Power (The Chozien Path Series Book 1) Book Description:


The Onyx Order in the Eastern Upper Lands has always coveted the chosen for themselves. They embrace domination by which their strength is determined and their numbers multiply. Their order is a constant menace. Yet, the fear of being overtaken keeps them from maintaining a ruling grip over the other orders.


The order that holds the chosen can make or break the future. As such, the progress or peril of our days ahead rests upon the shoulders of the order that lays claim to the chosen. In this tale, the Great Spirit has called to all orders. that a new chosen has been born. The search has already begun. All have released their finest huntsmen and spirit seekers to find the child.


We can only hope we are not too late.



Crystal's website is There you'll find her book, her podcast, her life coaching services, and all the things you need to connect with her on social media. Please follow Krystal Clark, comment and share on her Moving With Meaning platforms: InstagramFacebookLinkedInTikTok, and YouTube. Krystal's podcast link: 



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Cindy L. Hyde, MA
10 months ago

I enjoyed interviewing author Krystal Clark about her book Balance of Power (The Chozien Series Book 1). I ordered the book and as soon as I unwrapped it my friend grabbed it up and hasn't put it down. She loves it. Hopefully I'll get to read it soon.